Thursday, July 12, 2012

Resa Mae...

Resa...she is very determined!  Resa loves to watch Daddy cook or Pappa Wayne fix her broken wagon, she is trying to figure out how they are doing things so she can try it herself as soon as they turn their backs!  I will say that when she does her Strengths Finder when she grows up I would guess that her #1 strength will be EMPATHY!  She is very empathetic to anyone who is hurt or sad, if Adli is sad she pats her back and says, "Sissy don't cry, I wipe your tears".  And if Adli gets sent to her room for a time out, Resa will always sit with her...even if Adli is in trouble for doing something to Resa!  Resa hates to see her Sissy sad!  When one cries...they both cry! 

Resa is a very loving child, gives kisses, hugs and says, "I love you too"!  At her 3 year Well Baby Check up she was 34 pounds and 38 inches tall and doing very well reaching milestones (i.e. climbing, counting, knowing her ABC's).

At daycare, Resa is now in the "Sophmore 3" room, they move up every August to the next room level.  In August she will be going to the "Junior 2" room with Jessie and Bobbikae, and there she will start more of a "preschool" routine, learning her address, phone number, months of the year, and much more!  Yesterday, Resa went on her field trip to the zoo!  She loves riding the bus!

Also, Resa does NOT like to miss out on anything!  Therefore, she hates to go to sleep before I do.  Every night it is the same speech, "Resa, you are a big girl, stay in your room and don't get out of bed.  I will see you in the morning".  Resa responds with, "I am getting out of bed!"  I have to promise I will check on her every 10 minutes.  And here is a picture of what I usually find when I check on her before I go to sleep...

Yes, she is sleeping in the door way to her room, so technically in her mind she hasn't left her room!

I love this little peanut to the moon and back!

1 comment:

  1. Bahahaha!!! She is definitely going to give you a run for your money!! But, as I learned while teaching, the ones who challenge you the most always find their way into the deepest parts of your heart. She's a doll :)
