Monday, July 23, 2012

Goin' Swimmin'

This summer it has been HOT!  We have had numerous days over 100 degrees, therefore making it the hotest summer on record!  The girls and I make it a point to go to the swimming pool every weekend.  Adli is having a blast going down the kid slide, hanging out in the lazy river and jumping in to the deep end.  Resa enjoys putting her head under water, going down the slide and jumping in to the deep end then swimming to the ladder.  Ok, she doesn't swim on her own, but she thinks she is.  Last weekend I went and bought the girls "puddle jumpers", they are a flotation device that goes on their arms and then around their chest.  It will help the girls float more on their own, pictures to come.

Adli in the fountains.

Resa ready to swim.

In the small mushroom fountain.

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