Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Visiting Grandma Thelma

The girls and I went to visit Grandma Thelma in the hospital after she fell and broke her hip.  I know Grandma will be upset that we posted pictures of her without her hair being done, but she is still beautiful to us!  Grandma will be in the hospital several more weeks for therapy, but hopefully she will be able to go home to the farm soon.  Resa and Adli were a little shy at first, they were not sure of Grandma laying in a hospital bed, but they warmed up quickly and had a great time entertaining Grandma.

Grandma with her girls!

Adli didn't know what to think about sitting on that hospital bed!

Resa made herself right at home!

Resa thought it was time to get Grandma ready for a "party"!  So, Grandma got a little lipgloss...and a little more, and a little more!  I think it was more lip gloss than Grandma had worn for several years!  Resa was thinking, don't worry about your hair Grandma I will make your lips really pretty!

Play Place

Resa and Mommy had a day at the mall, while Adli went to Grandma Barb's house.  Adli loves to cook with Grandma Barb, and have a little one on one time with her.  So, I usually take Resa somewhere special while Adli is with Grandma.  This time I took her shopping with me to Jordan Creek Mall.  We hit a few stores and then it was time for Resa to play.  There is a very nice indoor play area for kids, which Resa calls the "Play Place".

Getting ready to go down the slide!

In the snake!

On the boat!

Playing in the clubhouse!

On the lion!


The girls love to get their hair cut!  Jenni Frost cuts their hair, and in order to get it cut correctly she straightens their hair...and they LOVE it! 

Adli...looks so grown up!

Resa, with Jenni in the background!

Iowa vs. Iowa State

Are you ready for some football?  Well, the Fleener girls are!  On September 8th, the two largest universities in Iowa battled it out on the football field.  Daddy went to school at the University of Iowa, so the girls like to root for the Hawkeyes!  Adli says she is going to be an Iowa Hawkeye cheerleader when she grows up, which makes Daddy happy because he would love to go to every home game!  Mommy roots for both teams...but she likes to see the Cyclones beat the Hawkeyes!


Iowa State 9
Iowa 6
Final score

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Our 1st Trip to the Dentist

Today was the girls' first trip to the dentist!  NOTE: I was not aware that I should have taken the girls to the dentist around age 2, so I feel really bad.  The girls did a great job!  The both sat nicely for the dental hygentists, opened their mouths wide, had their teeth cleaned and flouride applied to their teeth.  Adli also had x-rays, which were a little rough but nothing terrible.  The x-rays did show Adli's permanent teeth that will be coming in the future...and they seemed really big!  Adli has a small mouth, so we will probably have some crowding to deal with.  Resa...has 3 cavities!  So, we will be on a rigid brushing plan of morning and night, we used to only do night time, and flossing!

Resa in the dentist chair getting her teeth cleaned while watching Bubble Guppies!

Adli having her flouride applied!

Adli finishing her teeth cleaning!

I am so proud of the girls, they did a great job on their first visit to the dentist!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Starting Preschool

Today the girls changed rooms at daycare.  Resa is now a Junior, and will be having preschool for part of the day.  Adli is now a Senior, and she is in all day preschool with NO naps!  I honestly have no idea how I will make it through the first day of kindergarten next year...it will be a flood of tears from me!  Adli was such a big girl today, walked right in to her new class room and sat right down where the teacher asked her to.  She has a full size locker, no more sharing lockers like they did in previous classrooms.  It just makes it feel like she is really growing up.  Resa was a little reluctant to go in to her new room, even though she knows her teachers very well.  I suppose she is more like me and it takes her longer to warm up to changes.

Adli ready for her first day as a Senior!

Resa ready for her first day as a Junior!

Sisters ready for school!

Adli with her Senior teachers Mollie and Colleen

Resa with her Junior teachers Bobbikae and Jessi

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream!

The girls and I have started a tradition of eating ice cream every Sunday night, in order to get our week started on the right track!  The girls love a child size vanilla cone dipped in cherry coating...YUMMY!!!

Adli does a great job with her ice cream cone...notice a small cherry spot on her shirt and an ice cream mustache!

Resa...different story!  She loves to get messy!  She digs her face in to the ice cream, it must taste better when it is all over her face, shoes, hands, clothes!  EVERYWHERE!

They love ice cream!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Still Awake...

As many of you may know, Resa doesn't require a lot of sleep!  She usually won't go to bed, in her bed, until all of the lights are off and I have put down my iPad.  Therefore, since the Olympics have been on, Resa has been up until 11:00 most nights.  I captured this photo about 11:30 Saturday night...the 2 of them were still playing!

Resa and Louie, my favorite little night owls!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Adli Olivia Mae

I wanted to post some pictures of Adli over the last 4 1/2 years so that we can see how much she has grown.  It is hard to believe that it has been that long since she was born at 3 pounds 8 ounces and 17 1/4 inches long, with dark hair.  I can remember telling Scott that if she is born with dark hair that we had to include Olivia as one of her middle names.  Also, Mae is a family middle name so it was clear that she would have 2 middle names.  Adli's great great grandma, great grandma, grandma, mother, and cousin Quincy all have the middle name of Mae, so there was no chance that Adli was going to miss out on that family name.  I had to wait 5 days before I could hold Adli, she was born on Tuesday, March 11th, at 14:14 military time, 2:14 PM, and I was not able to hold her until Sunday, March 16th.  I can remember that Grandma Thelma, Uncle Walt and Aunt Sharon came that day to visit Adli in the NICU and I was so excited to hold her and they could see her too.  It was 6 weeks before anyone besides myself could hold Adli, she was only to be held for an hour and a half each day and they wanted Adli and I to have "kangaroo" time, which is skin to skin holding.  It would help my milk production and also let Adli hear my heart beat and smell me.  Actually, the nurses gave me a red and white piece of cloth in the shape of a heart to put inside my shirt and wear for a few hours, then they would place it under Adli's face so that she could smell me.  I thought it was a wonderful idea because it was so hard for me to go home at night without her.  You can see the heart under head in this picture.

Adli at 3 days old

After 50 days we were finally able to bring our baby home!

Jake and Faith hanging out with Adli during tummy time.
Adli almost 4 months old.

Adli's first Halloween, she was a lady bug!  Look how blue her eyes are!

Adli's favorite food was sweet potatoes...notice her nose actually turned orange...and it didn't wash off!  This was Adli's first winter, so she was around 9 months old.

Ready to go on a walk!  Adli was a year and half old.

I love those cheeks and eyes!  18 months

Adli's 2nd Halloween as a chicken!

I can recognize those tail feathers anywhere!  Adli and Resa were both chickens for Halloween.

Adli loves necklaces!  Almost 2 here.

Adli kissing Resa!

Skipping ahead almost 3 years...and another kiss!

Adli loves to get her hair straightened!  I guess I can see what she will look like as a teenager!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Louie, Louie, Louie!

Have I mentioned how wonderful Louie is doing on his crate training?  I could not have asked for a better puppy...and he is darn cute too!  The girls and I went shopping this weekend to buy Louie some new toys...yes, he had some toys but not nearly enough!  Adli really wanted to buy him a blue rubber chicken that made SSSOOO much noise, I had to ask her to pick a new toy so she settled on a cow with a squeaker in it.  Resa picked out a jack with squeakers in 2 of the points.  And, I picked out a blue ball that bounces.  All the new toys are a hit!  Louie has been playing a lot with them...the cow is already missing it's tail!  The girls are doing a great job helping me take care of Louie!

Louie unloading the dishwasher with Daddy!  He loves to sit up there so he can see!

Louie taking a break while Daddy cooks.

I love this face!

Resa in her jammies giving Louie a goodnight kiss!

Goin' Swimmin'

This summer it has been HOT!  We have had numerous days over 100 degrees, therefore making it the hotest summer on record!  The girls and I make it a point to go to the swimming pool every weekend.  Adli is having a blast going down the kid slide, hanging out in the lazy river and jumping in to the deep end.  Resa enjoys putting her head under water, going down the slide and jumping in to the deep end then swimming to the ladder.  Ok, she doesn't swim on her own, but she thinks she is.  Last weekend I went and bought the girls "puddle jumpers", they are a flotation device that goes on their arms and then around their chest.  It will help the girls float more on their own, pictures to come.

Adli in the fountains.

Resa ready to swim.

In the small mushroom fountain.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Adli goes to the Zoo!

Adli went the Zoo for her preschool field trip on July 17th.  I was unable to go with her, so Papa Wayne filled in!  Adli and her best friend Ahana, were in Papa Wayne's group to chaperone.  It was a HOT day, over 100 degrees, but fun was had by all!  Adli's favorite animals were the monkeys, or the kangeroos, or the sea lion...she couldn't decide. 

Papa Wayne, Adli and Ahana on the bus ride home

Thanks for going with Adli, Papa Wayne!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Althof Willie Mays...Louie

Welcome to the family Louie!  The girls and I went to Wellman, Iowa (near Iowa City) yesterday to pick up Louie.  Louie was raised by Althof Cavaliers, and his registered name is Althof Willie Mays (after the baseball legend).  The girls decided to name him Louie, and they got that name from Jerry and Karen Glenn's (daycare owners) new puppy that is named Louie.  He was born May 3rd, so he is about 10 weeks old, and he is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.  The girls are very protective of him, and make sure he has water and food as well as plenty of toys! 

We have started crate training Louie, and so far so good!  We are keeping our fingers crossed!  He slept all night in his new "house" crate last night and woke me up about 5:30 this morning when he heard my alarm go off.  So far, he is sleeping better than Resa does! :)

Daddy is smitten with Louie too!  And I am sure Louie will quickly learn that Daddy does all the cooking, so he will want to stick close to him!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Resa Mae...

Resa...she is very determined!  Resa loves to watch Daddy cook or Pappa Wayne fix her broken wagon, she is trying to figure out how they are doing things so she can try it herself as soon as they turn their backs!  I will say that when she does her Strengths Finder when she grows up I would guess that her #1 strength will be EMPATHY!  She is very empathetic to anyone who is hurt or sad, if Adli is sad she pats her back and says, "Sissy don't cry, I wipe your tears".  And if Adli gets sent to her room for a time out, Resa will always sit with her...even if Adli is in trouble for doing something to Resa!  Resa hates to see her Sissy sad!  When one cries...they both cry! 

Resa is a very loving child, gives kisses, hugs and says, "I love you too"!  At her 3 year Well Baby Check up she was 34 pounds and 38 inches tall and doing very well reaching milestones (i.e. climbing, counting, knowing her ABC's).

At daycare, Resa is now in the "Sophmore 3" room, they move up every August to the next room level.  In August she will be going to the "Junior 2" room with Jessie and Bobbikae, and there she will start more of a "preschool" routine, learning her address, phone number, months of the year, and much more!  Yesterday, Resa went on her field trip to the zoo!  She loves riding the bus!

Also, Resa does NOT like to miss out on anything!  Therefore, she hates to go to sleep before I do.  Every night it is the same speech, "Resa, you are a big girl, stay in your room and don't get out of bed.  I will see you in the morning".  Resa responds with, "I am getting out of bed!"  I have to promise I will check on her every 10 minutes.  And here is a picture of what I usually find when I check on her before I go to sleep...

Yes, she is sleeping in the door way to her room, so technically in her mind she hasn't left her room!

I love this little peanut to the moon and back!