Thursday, August 23, 2012

Our 1st Trip to the Dentist

Today was the girls' first trip to the dentist!  NOTE: I was not aware that I should have taken the girls to the dentist around age 2, so I feel really bad.  The girls did a great job!  The both sat nicely for the dental hygentists, opened their mouths wide, had their teeth cleaned and flouride applied to their teeth.  Adli also had x-rays, which were a little rough but nothing terrible.  The x-rays did show Adli's permanent teeth that will be coming in the future...and they seemed really big!  Adli has a small mouth, so we will probably have some crowding to deal with.  Resa...has 3 cavities!  So, we will be on a rigid brushing plan of morning and night, we used to only do night time, and flossing!

Resa in the dentist chair getting her teeth cleaned while watching Bubble Guppies!

Adli having her flouride applied!

Adli finishing her teeth cleaning!

I am so proud of the girls, they did a great job on their first visit to the dentist!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Starting Preschool

Today the girls changed rooms at daycare.  Resa is now a Junior, and will be having preschool for part of the day.  Adli is now a Senior, and she is in all day preschool with NO naps!  I honestly have no idea how I will make it through the first day of kindergarten next will be a flood of tears from me!  Adli was such a big girl today, walked right in to her new class room and sat right down where the teacher asked her to.  She has a full size locker, no more sharing lockers like they did in previous classrooms.  It just makes it feel like she is really growing up.  Resa was a little reluctant to go in to her new room, even though she knows her teachers very well.  I suppose she is more like me and it takes her longer to warm up to changes.

Adli ready for her first day as a Senior!

Resa ready for her first day as a Junior!

Sisters ready for school!

Adli with her Senior teachers Mollie and Colleen

Resa with her Junior teachers Bobbikae and Jessi

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream!

The girls and I have started a tradition of eating ice cream every Sunday night, in order to get our week started on the right track!  The girls love a child size vanilla cone dipped in cherry coating...YUMMY!!!

Adli does a great job with her ice cream cone...notice a small cherry spot on her shirt and an ice cream mustache!

Resa...different story!  She loves to get messy!  She digs her face in to the ice cream, it must taste better when it is all over her face, shoes, hands, clothes!  EVERYWHERE!

They love ice cream!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Still Awake...

As many of you may know, Resa doesn't require a lot of sleep!  She usually won't go to bed, in her bed, until all of the lights are off and I have put down my iPad.  Therefore, since the Olympics have been on, Resa has been up until 11:00 most nights.  I captured this photo about 11:30 Saturday night...the 2 of them were still playing!

Resa and Louie, my favorite little night owls!